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Laryngitis: Everything You Need To Know

Laryngitis: Everything You Need To Know

2022-06-16 00:00:00

Larynx, also known as voice box, is home to the vocal cords. These are vital to the processes of breathing, swallowing and talking. The vocal cords are two small folds of mucous membrane covering cartilage and muscle that vibrate to produce sound.Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx from overuse, irritation or infection. Most cases of laryngitis improve within a week or two. Laryngitis that lasts more than three weeks can be a sign of a serious underlying medical condition.

Symptoms of Laryngitis

Laryngitis is classified as acute if it lasts less than three weeks and chronic if symptoms last more than three weeks. Symptoms of chronic laryngitis include-
  • Hoarseness or croakiness.

  • Dry throat.

  • Dry irritating cough.

  • Loss of voice.

  • Fever.

  • Swelling of the glands in your neck or lymph nodes.

  • Sore throat.

  • Constant urge to clear the throat.

  • Difficulty swallowing.

  • Shortness of breath, predominantly in children.

  • Headache.

  • Tiredness.

  • Pain in the throat.

  • Difficulty in speech.

Causes of Laryngitis


The causes of acute and chronic laryngitis differs and are as follows-


Acute laryngitis- Acute laryngitis is a temporary condition caused by overusing the vocal cords. It can also be caused by an infection, straining your vocal cords by talking or yelling or drinking too much alcohol.

Chronic laryngitis- Chronic laryngitis results from long term exposure to irritants. It is usually more severe and has longer lasting effects than acute laryngitis.

Chronic laryngitis can be caused by-

  • Frequent exposure to harmful chemicals or allergies.

  • Heartburn (acid reflux) or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), in which back-flow of stomach acid into the esophagus can reach the throat and irritate the vocal cords.

  • Smoking or being around smokers.

  • Overusing your voice.

  • Low grade yeast infections caused by frequent use of inhalers.

  • Cancer, paralysis of the vocal cords or changes in vocal cord shape as you age can also cause persistent hoarseness and sore throat.

How to Prevent Laryngitis?


The risk of laryngitis can be reduced by-

  • Drinking plenty of water,staying hydrated helps keep mucus in the throat thin and clear easily.

  • Avoiding upper respiratory tract infections by getting an annual flu vaccination, avoiding close contact with people who have a cold or flu, washing your hands regularly.

  • Avoiding inhalation of environmental irritants,likesmoke or dust, especially if you have an upper respiratory tract infection.

  • Not smoking and avoiding passive smoke.

  • Not drinking too much alcohol.

  • Avoiding shouting or singing loudly, People who use their voices regularly should be trained by a voice coach to prevent larynx injuries.

  • Avoiding regular throat clearing. This can irritate the larynx and increase swelling in the vocal cords.

  • Raising your head with a pillow, if you have heartburn or GERD. This can prevent stomach acid from reaching your larynx when you lie down or sleep.

  • Avoiding foods that cause heartburn or GERD: chocolate, coffee, alcohol and spicy, fatty, and acidic foods.

Diagnosis for Laryngitis


Many times you can be evaluated with a thorough complete history and physical examination. The doctor will pay particular attention to the affected patient's ears, nose, throat and neck.

If symptoms are severe, especially in kids, the doctor may order a neck or chest X-ray.

Laryngoscopy- The doctor may also choose to look at the patient’s throat with a small, light scope. This thin scope is inserted through the nose after numbing the nose. The procedure only takes a few minutes and gives the information regarding the status of the recurrent laryngeal nerve that controls the movement of the vocal folds.

Biopsy- If the laryngoscopy shows any suspicious areas, a sample tissue (biopsy) may be taken under a microscope to look for throat cancer.

Treatment for Laryngitis

The best treatment is to rest your voice. Most cases of laryngitis improve within one to two weeks without requiring medical treatment. In severe cases, treatment includes-

Medications- A doctor may prescribe;

  • Corticosteroids which are used to provide relief in inflammation or swelling of the body.

  • Antihistamines used to prevent any allergy that is causing laryngitis.

  • Vocal therapy if you have laryngitis due to straining your voice.

Home Remedies for Laryngitis


Apple cider vinegar-

It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which can be helpful in treating laryngitis caused due to infections and reduces the swelling of the larynx. For this, mix vinegar with honey in water and drink this solution.


Ginger contains antimicrobial properties which may help in treating the infection in the throat. For this, cut ginger in slices in some water and boil it for 10 minutes. Strain the water and allow it to cool down to room temperature. Drink this decoction.

Lemon and honey-

Honey has astringent properties which soothes the sore throat and lemon has antimicrobial properties which might help clear out the throat infection. For this, add lemon juice in honey and mix it well. Consume this decoction.


Onion is rich in expectorant properties which is used to treat laryngitis and gives relief from cough and mucus. Cut onion in pieces and boil in four cups of water until the mixture thickens to a syrup-like consistency. Add 2-3 tablespoons of syrup to a glass of warm water. Add honey and lemon to this and drink it.

Salt water-

Gargling with warm salt water can kill bacteria and viruses in the throat and mouth. It can help treat laryngitis effectively.


Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has antimicrobial properties. This can help treat laryngitis. Cut a garlic in two pieces and slowly suck the juice from these pieces. Spit it after a few minutes and rinse your mouth.

Licorice root-

Licorice root exhibits antimicrobial and antiviral properties. These properties can help in treating laryngitis. Boil the licorice root in water for 3-5 minutes. Now strain the water and drink this herbal tea.

When to see a doctor?


Laryngitis in adults is not serious, but you should see a doctor if you have a hoarse throat, coughing up blood, have a temperature above 103 degree Fahrenheit, or have trouble breathing for more than 2 weeks.

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The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
