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Benefits of Arjuna & its Bark

Benefits of Arjuna & its Bark

2021-12-22 00:00:00

Arjuna is an evergreen tree, growing up to 60-80 feet tall which has like guava leaves. The scientific name of Arjuna is Terminalia Arjuna. This tree is extensively used as medicine. Its bark (outer layer) and juice are mostly used as herbs and are used in the treatment of heart problems, tuberculosis (TB), earache, inflammation, fever etc.


Importance of Arjuna in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, Arjuna is cold and astringent in taste, which protects against heart, prameha (diabetes), meda (obesity), vran (ulcer), phlegm and pitta, apart from cuts and blood related diseases. Arjuna is cardioprotective and works to strengthen the heart muscles and improve their nutritional function. Therefore, Arjuna is mainly used to cure diseases related to the heart. Its use is helpful in bleeding from the blood vessels which reduces swelling. Many nutrients and minerals are found in Arjuna, which are beneficial in bone problems. It is also beneficial in the treatment of ulcers and urinary diseases, etc.


Benefits of Arjuna bark

Arjuna bark is used to cure many diseases due to its antioxidants and mineral content which are very effective and beneficial for health. The benefits of Arjuna bark are listed below-


Beneficial in heart disease-

Arjuna has anti-atherogenic properties, which work to reduce plaque build-up in the coronary arteries and improve blood transport to heart cells. Arjuna also helps in reducing heart attack. Therefore, the bark of Arjuna is considered a beneficial medicine for heart diseases.


Useful in reducing chest pain-

Arjuna reduces chest pain that occurs during a heart attack. Therefore, people suffering from heart attack should definitely consume its bark. Consumption of this reduces the chances of chest pain in future also.


Beneficial for coronary artery-

The consumption of Arjuna bark reduces the swelling of the blood vessels and coronary arteries. Its consumption reduces triglycerides, serum cholesterol, atherogenic index and lipoproteins in the body, which have a positive effect on health. Arjuna bark helps in reducing cholesterol in addition to coronary arteries.


Beneficial in breast cancer-

Arjuna bark contains a chemical compound called casuarina, which helps inhibit the growth of breast cancer viruses. The antioxidant properties of Arjuna make this ingredient more effective. Therefore, it is beneficial to consume Arjuna bark at the time of breast cancer.


Useful for ulcers-

Make a decoction by soaking a piece of Arjuna bark in water for eight hours and consume it after it cools down slightly. In this way, using the bark of Arjuna cures stomach ulcers and keeps the stomach healthy. The bark of Arjuna contains elements of methanol (helicobacter pylori) and lipopolysaccharide, which help in preventing gastric ulcer.


Beneficial in Tuberculosis-

The medicinal properties of Arjuna help in relieving the symptoms of Tuberculosis. For this, mixing honey and ghee in the powder of Arjuna's bark, Nagbala and Kaunch and taking it with milk provides relief in diseases like tuberculosis and cough.


Useful in Menstruation (excessive bleeding)-

Excessive bleeding that occurs during periods in women can also be managed with Arjuna’s bark. For this, put a spoonful of Arjuna bark powder in a cup of milk and cook it till it is reduced to half.


Effective in reducing fever-

Arjuna bark is also considered good for curing fever and other problems caused by changing weather. In case of fever, taking a decoction or tea made from the bark of Arjuna provides relief. Taking a spoonful of Arjuna bark powder with jaggery also reduces the effect of fever.


Beneficial for acne-

The antioxidants found in Arjuna bark help prevent skin infections. For this, grinding the bark of Arjuna and applying it on the face in the form of a solution reduces acne. Apart from this, grind the leaves of Arjuna tree and mix honey in it and apply it on the acne and after fifteen minutes wash the face with warm water.


Beneficial for teeth-

The bark of Arjuna is beneficial in the problem of gum pain and bleeding. For this reason, the bark of Arjuna is also used in tooth powders.


Helpful in urinary infection-

Arjuna bark is also useful in urinary tract infections due to the antibacterial effect present in it which works to destroy the micro bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.


Helpful in fractures-

The benefits of Arjuna's bark prove to be beneficial in curing bone pain and joining broken bones. For this, taking a spoonful of Arjuna bark powder with a cup of milk thrice a day for a few weeks strengthens the bones. It is also beneficial to grind its bark and apply it with ghee on the affected area, in bone fractures.


Where is Arjuna's bark found?

The bark of Arjuna is obtained from the Arjuna tree, that is, the outer layer of the Arjuna. The Arjuna tree is most commonly seen in the foothills of the Himalayas and along the banks of rivers and streams located in dry mountainous areas. Similarly, in India too, this tree can be seen on the banks of rivers and streams present at other places.


The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
