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Benefits & Side effects of Henna

Benefits & Side effects of Henna

2021-12-13 18:41:45

Henna (Mehndi) is used by people around the world in many different ways. The benefits of henna are many for hair health. It helps in making the hair soft and shiny. Henna is one of the best hair beauty ingredients which India has shared with other countries. For centuries, women have been using the natural properties of henna to strengthen, nourish and beautify their hair. Henna leaves are used for hair treatment, this is why henna is one of the best options for hair because it acts as a natural hair colouring agent and conditioner. This henna is used to relieve headaches, detoxify the body, improve nails, protect the skin, promote hair health, cool the body, reduce inflammation and speed healing.


The name of henna was derived from the plant of that flower from which this dye is made. Henna oil, bark and seeds are most commonly used for medicinal benefits. Due to its high content of chemicals and nutrients in plants, it has many anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent and antiviral effects. Henna has become widely used in the West as a herbal remedy whereas it has been used for thousands of years in Eastern cultures. The scientific name of henna is 'Lawsonia inermis' and it is a plant of the Lythraceae family. It is found in North Africa, Arabian countries, India and Eastern Islands.


Benefits of Henna for Hair

To dye the hair-

The most common use of henna is to dye hair. It is very safe and chemical-free as compared to the hair dyeing products available in the market. It is also very economical compared to natural ingredient hair dyes.


Reduces hair fall-

Henna is very effective on the scalp. Applying henna on the scalp improves hair health. Applying soaked fenugreek with henna reduces hair fall.


Deeply conditions the hair-

When mixed with hydrating ingredients like eggs, curd in henna, it provides moisture to the hair. If you are using henna only to condition the hair, then apply the henna pack for the shortest possible time.


Relieves Dandruff-

Henna helps in removing dirt and dandruff from the scalp. Regular use of henna not only makes dandruff disappear but it also doesn't come back.


Controls scalp itching-

Henna has natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties that help in reducing itching by cooling the scalp.


Makes hair healthy and shiny-

The tannins present in henna penetrate the hair cortex and strengthen the hair due to which there is minimum damage to the hair. As a result, the hair remains healthy and looks soft and shiny.


Henna improves hair health-

Henna helps in improving the health of hair. It seals the outer layer of the hair skin, preventing hair breakage. It enhances the shine and appearance of the hair. Henna prevents dandruff. For this, soak 50 grams of liquorice and 50 grams of henna in 2 litres of cold water. The next morning, when this mixture is mixed well, sieve it. This mixture is used to wash the hair. It is very effective in case of boils or blisters of the head, itching of the scalp and split ends of hair.


Other Benefits of Henna

Henna keeps nails healthy-

Cuticles and spaces under the nails are prime sites for infection and the presence of bacteria. Keeping nails healthy with henna is a very good solution. For this, boil henna leaves in water and drink that water after cooling it. This helps prevent nail breakage and reduces inflammation. Applying henna paste on the nails ends irritation, pain and infection.


Henna is beneficial for the skin-

Henna juice and oil are used to reduce the signs of ageing and wrinkles. It is also useful for removing unsightly marks and darkening the skin because it is full of antiviral and antibacterial effects that protect the body’s largest organ, i.e, 'skin'.


Henna reduces fever-

According to Ayurvedic traditions, henna can reduce fever. When people are suffering from a very high fever, reducing the overall body temperature is necessary. Henna is an effective remedy for this. It effectively reduces fever by causing sweating.


The juice of the henna plant is useful in headaches-

The juice of the henna plant is applied directly to the skin to relieve headaches. The anti-inflammatory effects of compounds found in henna help reduce tension in cells and promote healthy blood flow, a common cause of headaches and migraines.


Henna oil treats arthritis-

The oil obtained from Henna is used for arthritis and rheumatic pain. The joints of the body become more painful with increasing age. This causes painful swelling in many different parts of the body. In such a situation, applying henna oil to the inflamed or affected areas provides special benefits in diseases like joint pain and arthritis.


Henna is beneficial in the treatment of urinary infections-

Mix fresh juice of henna leaves with 3-5 grams of sugar and 10-15 ml fresh juice of Durva. Take 15 ml of this mixture twice a day. It cures urinary tract infections and provides relief from irritation.


Side effects of Henna

  • Henna can reduce the moisture content of the hair. Many times, due to excessive use of it, the hair starts to appear dry and lifeless. If you use it daily, then you may need to deep-condition your hair from time to time.
  • Be careful with the cheap and adulterated henna available in the market. It can damage the hair. Avoid buying henna powder that is very bright green.
  • Excess use of henna in the form of dye can cause an allergic reaction in some people which is caused by other products mixed with henna.
  • Some people may experience allergic reactions such as itching or blistering when using henna. In this case, the person should contact the doctor immediately.


The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
