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What is Ebola virus and how does it spread?

Posted 19 September, 2023

What is Ebola virus and how does it spread?

Ebola virus is a disease that was first identified in 1976 in a village near the Ebola River. For this reason, this virus has also been named Ebola, a tributary of the Kago. It has taken the form of a serious disease at present. In this disease, blood starts coming out of the veins in the body, which causes internal bleeding.

It is a very fatal disease. In this, 90% of the patients die. Ebola is a disease that spreads through contact with an infected person’s sweat, blood, or breathing. It is accompanied by typhoid, cholera, hair loss, and bleeding from the nerves or muscles. The only way to avoid this is to keep yourself alert.


Causes of spread of Ebola virus

It is an infectious disease that spreads mainly through sweat and saliva, but apart from this, there are many other reasons for its spread. It also spreads through direct contact with infected blood and feces. In addition, sexual intercourse and improper handling of a dead body infected with Ebola can also cause this disease. Obviously, preventing the spread of infectious diseases is also an important step towards its prevention.


Symptoms of Ebola virus

It often takes up to three weeks for symptoms to appear. In this disease, the skin of the patient starts rotting. The initial symptoms include sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, and a sore throat.

The next stage is vomiting, diarrhea, and, in some cases, internal and external bleeding. Considering the severity of this disease, if you notice these symptoms, you should immediately contact a doctor or specialist.


Safety precautions and measures to prevent Ebola
1. Avoid contact with the patient-

Relatives and health workers caring for a person infected with the Ebola virus are at a higher risk of infection. Every person who comes into contact with a person who has been exposed to this disease puts themselves at risk of infection.


2. Keep changing clothes-

People who treat Ebola viruses should wear a PPE kit when coming into contact with a person infected with Ebola virus. During this, gloves, masks, goggles, rubber boots, and clothes covering the whole body should be worn, but very few people have such a kit. Those wearing such a kit should keep changing it every 40 minutes. It takes five minutes to put on this rescue kit and about 15 minutes to take it off again with the help of a colleague. This is the most dangerous time to be vulnerable to this virus, and during this time, chlorine should be sprayed.


3. Cover your eyes-

If Ebola infected material comes into contact with your skin, it can be quickly washed off with soap and water or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. But the case of the eyes is quite different. Even a drop of the infected substance falling into the eyes during the spray can become the cause of infection of this virus. In the same way, the mouth and the inner part of the nose are very sensitive to infection, which should be protected.


4. Attention to cleanliness-

The most deadly symptom of Ebola is bleeding. The infected person bleeds from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and rectum. Blood may also be present in the patient's vomit. Clothing and other things coming out of the hospital should be destroyed. There is a risk of infection by falling on the surface, but it is not yet clear how long this virus remains active.


5. Use of condom-

Experts advise people recovering from Ebola to use condoms for three months while having sex. The presence of this virus has been found in people's spermatozoa for three months after complete recovery from Ebola infection. Because of this, doctors recommend that people recovering from Ebola should avoid having sex for three months or use condoms for three months.


Treatment of Ebola infection

There is no cure for this disease yet. So far, no medicine has been made for this. It also has no antiviral drugs. However, after testing in 2016, the Ebola glycoprotein vaccine, rVZV-ZEBOV, has been reported to be beneficial. People should be given widespread information about its symptoms so that they can identify it in time and take all the necessary precautions.

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Frozen Shoulder - Causes, Symptoms, and Home remedies

Posted 13 September, 2023

Frozen Shoulder - Causes, Symptoms, and Home remedies

Many diseases nowadays were not among the category of any diseases till a few years ago. One of these diseases is frozen shoulder (shoulder stiffness). The main reason for this is adapting an unhealthy lifestyle and modern eating habits, which leads to stiffness in the shoulder. This has been a common problem nowadays. It is so common that it is seen more in young people than in the elderly. The main reasons for this concern are poor posture and bending over, lifting heavy weights incorrectly and working on the computer for long hours, etc.


What is Shoulder Stiffness?

Frozen shoulders are an issue related to the musculoskeletal system in which there is severe pain in the shoulder joint. Apart from this, it is also known as Adhesive Capsulitis in medical language. It usually occurs in people over the age of 40. However, in today's era, due to irregular routine, it can happen to people of almost all ages. At the same time, this issue is seen more in women than in men.

The shoulder joint or the surrounding tissues swell and become stiff due to which trouble and pain start while moving the shoulder. Shoulder stiffness can affect one or both shoulders. The bones of the shoulder, ligaments and muscles, all these organs, support the head, along with maintaining normal movement. In such a situation, if there is swelling, injury or any kind of abnormality at that place, pain, or stiffness starts in the shoulder. Physiotherapy or exercise may be needed to overcome this.


Stages of Shoulder Stiffness

Frozen shoulder often develops slowly and in three phases that last for a few months. These stages are-


Painful stage (freezing)-

This stage of frozen shoulder is very painful. The pain can occur in any movement of the shoulder. At the same time, this pain gradually increases, and it becomes intense during the night. It bothers the patient for almost 3 to 9 months.


Frozen –

This is the second stage of shoulder stiffness. It is less painful than the freezing phase. But at this stage, your shoulder may feel stiff. This stage can range from 4 to 12 months.


Thawing –

This is considered the final stage of shoulder stiffness. In this, the shoulder becomes capable of doing the same work as before, but there is a possibility of pain in this stage. This stage lasts from 1 to 3 years.


Common symptoms of shoulder stiffness
  • Difficulty moving the shoulder.
  • Stiffness of the shoulder capsule.
  • Sharp pain in the shoulder.
  • Being unable to function due to strain or stiffness in the shoulder.
Causes of Shoulder Stiffness

Shoulder blade, upper arm bone and collarbone extending from the neck to the shoulder, i.e., these three bones together make up the shoulder. All of these bones are attached to a ball-shaped socket in the shoulder. This joint or socket contains the tissue that connects the adjacent bones. In addition, the synovial fluid present in the shoulder joint helps the joints to move without friction.

But due to some reason, damage occurs in these tissues, which leads to shoulder stiffness which is often associated with shoulder pain. The main cause of shoulder pain is wear and tear of the cartilage and bones.

Risk factors are-

  • Diabetes.
  • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
  • Hypothyroidism (low thyroid).
  • Heart disease.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Parkinson's disease.
Diagnosis of Shoulder Stiffness

To diagnose shoulder stiffness, doctors first recommend the following physical tests:


Physical examination-

In this, the doctor first conducts a physical examination to find out the issue. In this process, he does physical examination of the shoulder bone, neck, and backbone. This shows where exactly the issue is originating from.


Medical History-

A doctor can ask the patient about his medical history whether the problem ever happened before or not? If yes, what kind of medicines or treatment was given for it?


X-ray –

To check for frozen shoulders, the doctor recommends getting an X-ray done. With this, the cause of shoulder stiffness is detected.


Home Remedies for Shoulder Stiffness
Epsom salt (rock salt)-

Put a bowl of Epsom salt (rock salt) in a bathtub filled with lukewarm water. Sit in the bathtub as long as the water is warm. This provides great relief in shoulder stiffness.


Ice pack-

Ice packs help in many types of pain. Therefore, applying an ice pack on the affected part helps to relieve shoulder pain. Apart from this, ice packs also help to reduce swelling along with pain in the shoulder or any other part of the body.


Hot compress-

Compressing with warm water is considered a good remedy to get relief from any kind of pain. It also improves blood circulation. Apart from this, taking a shower with hot water also helps in shoulder pain.


Sesame oil-

Phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, and vitamin D are found in abundance in sesame oil which helps to relieve shoulder pain or stiffness. For this, massage the shoulder lightly with lukewarm sesame oil daily . This helps to reduce pain to a great extent.


Physiotherapy (exercises) for Frozen Shoulder

To reduce the stiffness or pain of the frozen shoulder, the doctor advises doing some physical exercises. Using these exercises regularly at least 3 to 4 times a day provides great relief, these exercises are as follows:

  • Shoulder Stretch.
  • Wall Crawl.
  • Pendulum.
  • Rope and pulley stretches.
Precautions and Prevention Methods of Frozen Shoulder
  • Don't ignore the pain. Consult a doctor immediately if it is persistent, or for several days.
  • If you feel severe pain, sleep with your hands at the same height as your head.
  • The period of 3 to 9 months is considered as the freezing period. Avoid physiotherapy treatment during this time.
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Process and Benefits of doing Marjari asana

Posted 23 November, 2022

Process and Benefits of doing Marjari asana

Due to the hectic lifestyle and the adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle, the problem of back and body pain has become very common. It has become so common that it is encountered more in children and young people than in elderly people. The main reasons for this problem are working on the computer for long hours, using the cell phone for a long time, and running etc. Therefore, to get rid of these problems, it is very important to include some kind of yoga in your daily routine. One of these asanas is Marjariasana, which is one of the simplest and most important asanas to be done while sitting. The shoulders and surrounding muscles get stretched by continuous practice of this asana. It provides relief from back pain, body pain, and headaches and makes the body flexible and disease free.

What is Marjari Asana?

Katichakrasana proves to be effective in reducing anxiety, stress, depression and other mental related problems. According to medical research, stress leads to a deficiency of neurotransmitters like serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine in the brain. This asana is helpful to get rid of these problems. Apart from this, doing this increases the self-confidence of the person.

Process of doing Marjari Asana

  • Lay a yoga mat on the floor or a flat surface and lie on it.
  • Now place your palms under your shoulders. Simultaneously raise your hips while putting weight on them.
  • Make sure the knee stays directly under the hip bone.
  • Now straighten your thighs up and make a 90 degree angle at the knees of your feet.
  • In this position, the chest should remain parallel to the floor. Thus, the person comes into the pose of a cat.
  • Now take a deep breath and release it slowly.
  • Breathe once again and pull the stomach down.
  • After this, push your navel up from the bottom and raise your tailbone (the lower part of your spine). Simultaneously press your buttocks.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Tilt your head down slowly while exhaling.
  • Try to touch the chin of your mouth to your chest.
  • Now look at the distance between your knees. Note that you do not bend the hand in this posture.
  • Take a deep breath once again.
  • After this, turn your head backwards and repeat this process.
  • Do this exercise about 10-20 times.

Benefits of doing Marjari asana

  • This asana stretches the muscles of the back, neck, and shoulders, which reduces the stiffness in the back.
  • It helps relieve back pain.
  • Marjari asana is beneficial in reducing belly fat as it increases metabolism.
  • This asana provides peace of mind by reducing anxiety, tension, and headaches.
  • Marjari asana is very beneficial for the spinal cord. Its regular practice makes the spinal cord flexible.
  • This asana is very beneficial for asthma patients.
  • Its continuous practice provides relief from pain in the hands, wrists, and shoulders.
  • Marjari asana is very beneficial for keeping the digestive system healthy as its practice puts a strain on the abdominal muscles, which helps in improving digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs.

Precautions while doing Marjari asana

  • In the initial phase, practice Marjari Asana only under the guidance of a yoga expert.
  • Putting too much pressure on your body while doing this asana may lead to injuries.
  • Do not do Marjari asana more than you can manage.
  • Avoid doing this asana in the case of any injury or acute pain in the neck.
  • People suffering from back or knee injuries should avoid doing Marjari asana.
  • Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
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What is Janu shirshasana? Learn about the method and benefits of doing it

Posted 21 November, 2022

What is Janu shirshasana? Learn about the method and benefits of doing it

Janushirshasana is a yoga posture composed by great sages and yoga gurus that is considered to be one of the latest asanas to be done while sitting. It is derived from three words of the Sanskrit language. The first is "janu", which means knee, second is "shirsh", which means head; and the third is "asana", which means the posture of sitting, standing or lying down. Regular practice of this asana keeps a person healthy. Apart from this, Janushirshasana has many other physical and mental benefits. Let us talk in detail about the way of doing Janushirshasan and its benefits through this article.


Method of doing Janu shirshasana

  • Lay a yoga mat in a clean environment and sit on it with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Now bend the right leg from the knees and keep the soles close to the thigh of the left leg.
  • After that, raise both your hands up.
  • Hold the toes of the left foot with both hands and pull it inwards, that is, towards the head.
  • After that, while bending the nose, touch the knees of the left foot.
  • Then while exhaling slowly, straighten the right leg.
  • Repeat the same process with the other leg.
  • Practice this asana at least 4-5 times.

Benefits of Janu shirshasana

  • This asana makes the shoulders, waist, thighs, and spine flexible and strong.
  • Back pain is cured by this yoga practice, as this pose stimulates blood flow to the spine.
  • Janushirshasana removes the stiffness in all the parts of the body.
  • This asana proves to be effective in the treatment of hump.
  • The practice of Janu shirshasana is very beneficial when there is pain or sprain in the knees and ankles.
  • This asana helps in calming the mind by removing stress and depression.
  • Its continuous practice improves the digestive system.
  • This asana stimulates the kidneys and liver, thereby improving their functioning.
  • It is very beneficial for problems like headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, and sinusitis.
  • This asana reduces the symptoms of menopause in women. It also cures menstrual problems.
  • It is also effective in meningitis and leucorrhoea in women.

Precautions while doing Janushirshasana

  • Do not put excess pressure on the body beyond its physical capacity during yoga practice.
  • Avoid jerking or forcefully doing Janushirshasana.
  • People with acute lower back pain should not do it.
  • People suffering from ulcers should avoid this asana.
  • Patients with asthma and TB should practice Janushirshasana under the supervision of a yoga guru.
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What is Katichakrasana Yoga? Know its method, benefits and precautions

Posted 19 November, 2022

What is Katichakrasana Yoga? Know its method, benefits and precautions

Katichakrasana is a yoga asana which is made up of two words. The first is "kati,” which means waist, and the second is "chakra," which means wheel. In this mudra, the waist has to be rotated from left to right or from right to left. While doing this, the waist spins like a wheel. On the basis of these facts, it has been named Katichakra. Along with stretching the waist, this posture also brings flexibility. Apart from this, doing this asana provides many other physical and mental health benefits.


Procedure for doing Katichakrasana Yoga

  • To stand with them, stand straight.
  • At least there should be one and a half to two feet between the feet.
  • Spread both the hands in line with the shoulders.
  • After that place your left hand on the right shoulder and wrap the right hand from behind to the left side of the torso.
  • While breathing slowly, move the mouth towards the left shoulder.
  • Now stand in this position for some time and then repeat the action from the right side in the same way.
  • Repeat this process 4-5 times with both hands.

Benefits of Katichakrasana


Effective in reducing belly fat

Belly fat or other body fat is a harmful type of fat that gets stored around your organs. This asana helps in reducing the extra belly fat.


Useful for acidity and constipation

Acidity and constipation are relieved by regular practice of Katichakrasana. Constipation is a problem related to the digestive system that makes it difficult to pass stool. Due to constipation, the stool becomes hard and thick, which results in pain in the stomach and an urge to pass stool.


Beneficial for diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the amount of blood sugar in a person's blood exceeds the required level. This mudra is very beneficial for diabetic patients.


Beneficial in digestion

This asana helps in improving digestion. It is believed that disturbances in the digestive system of a person cause many physical problems, because most diseases originate from the stomach itself.


Helpful in relieving stress

Katichakrasana proves to be effective in reducing anxiety, stress, depression and other mental related problems. According to medical research, stress leads to a deficiency of neurotransmitters like serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine in the brain. This asana is helpful to get rid of these problems. Apart from this, doing this increases the self-confidence of the person.


Other benefits of Katichakrasana are

  • This asana helps to tone up the waist and increase its flexibility.
  • It removes stiffness in the neck and back.
  • This asana makes the shoulders strong and broad.
  • By doing this asana, the body becomes light.
  • This removes the laziness of the body.

Take these precautions while doing Katichakrasana yoga

  • Do not bend the knees and feet while rotating the waist.
  • Always do this yoga on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Do not jerk the body in any way while doing yoga.
  • Do not lift the soles of your feet off the ground while doing this asana.
  • Do not do this asana if you have severe back or neck pain.
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What is Makarasana? Know about the method and Benefits of doing it

Posted 16 November, 2022

What is Makarasana? Know about the method and Benefits of doing it

Makarasana is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Makara', which literally means crocodile. In this asana, the person poses like a crocodile. That's why this asana is called Crocodile Pose. Performing this yoga practice in the right way provides many physical and mental benefits. Continuously practicing it brings flexibility in the muscles of the back and spine, due to which the problem of back pain is relieved.

Apart from this, regular practice of Makarasana also provides spiritual benefits. Let us shed light on the method and benefits of doing Makarasana through this article.


Method of doing Makarasana

  • First of all, choose an open area that is clean and serene.
  • Lie down on your stomach on a carpet or mat.
  • Now spread your legs straight and keep your body straight.
  • Now keep both your elbows on the ground.
  • Raise your head and shoulders. Keep in mind that during this, both elbows should remain on the ground.
  • Now stand with your palms in the shape of a cup and place your chin on it.
  • Now take a long breath and release it.
  • If there is more pressure on the waist in this process, then slightly spread both your elbows.
  • Now slowly move both your legs from bottom to top and then from top to bottom.
  • In this way, one cycle of Makarasana is completed.
  • Do this process about 10 times or as per your capacity.

Benefits of doing Makarasana

  • This asana stretches the muscles of the back, neck, and shoulders, which relieves the stiffness in the back and provides relief from several problems related to the back.
  • This asana effectively relieves body pain.
  • Makarasana is very beneficial for the spinal cord. Regularly practicing it makes the spinal cord flexible.
  • Makarasana is extremely beneficial in the treatment of heart diseases.
  • This asana provides peace to the mind by reducing anxiety, tension, and headaches.
  • This asana is very beneficial for asthma patients.
  • Makarasana is very beneficial for keeping the digestive system healthy because its practice puts a strain on the abdominal muscles due to which all the abdominal organs are nourished. Thus, it helps in improving digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs.

Take these precautions while doing Makarasana

  • Do not practice Makarasana repeatedly as it puts a strain on the muscles.
  • Do not practice this asana if there is any kind of injury or acute pain in the waist, back, or neck.
  • Avoid doing Makarasana in the case of injury to any part of the body.
  • People with high blood pressure should avoid this practice.
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Procedure and Benefits of doing Natarajasana

Posted 15 November, 2022

Procedure and Benefits of doing Natarajasana

According to Yoga Shastra, "Natarajasana" is one of the important asanas, also known as dancer's posture. Its continuous practice brings many health benefits to the body. The yoga practice of Natarajasan also provides good stretching for the body. Through this article, let us get a deep idea of the process, benefits, and precautions of doing Natarajasana.


What is Natarajasana?

Natarajasana is a form of yoga whose name is believed to be the dancer form of Lord Shiva mentioned in mythology. It is derived from three words of the Sanskrit language. The first is "nata," which literally means "dance," the second "raj," meaning "king," and the third "asana," which means posture. Nataraja Mudra is the dance posture of the Lord. Hence, it is known as Natarajasana. Apart from this, Natarajasana is also considered as one of the main postures of Indian classical dance Bharatanatyam. That's why this posture is also called Lord of the Dance Pose or Dancer Pose. To do this asana, it is very important to keep the body balanced.


Benefits of doing Natarajasana

  • This asana balances the nervous system.
  • Its regular practice develops control over the body.
  • This asana strengthens the arms, shoulders, legs, and lower back by generating stretch.
  • This yoga practice strengthens the muscles of the thighs, calves, and ankles.
  • It also helps in increasing concentration & keeps the brain healthy.
  • By doing this asana, stress is reduced.
  • Natarajasana is also effective for knee pain.
  • Its regular practice helps in reducing weight.


Process of doing Natarajasana

  • First of all, stand straight in a flat place.
  • Then take a long breath, bend the left leg from the knee, and take it backward. Simultaneously hold the toe with your left hand.
  • After this, raise your left leg as high as possible.
  • During this, balance the weight of the whole body on the right leg.
  • Then tilt your upper body forward.
  • Pay attention not to disturb the balance of the body during this time.
  • Now straighten your right hand forward and try to pull lightly.
  • Remain in this posture for a few seconds or as per your capacity.
  • Then slowly come back to your original position.
  • Repeat the same process with the other leg, i.e., from the opposite direction.
  • Do this asana cycle about 3 to 4 times.


Take these precautions while doing Natarajasana

  • Do not put excess pressure on the body during any kind of yoga practice.
  • People with low blood pressure should avoid this asana.
  • If someone has pain in the neck or shoulders during this asana, then they should avoid doing this asana.
  • If there is any problem in the waist while doing this yoga practice, then immediately stop doing this asana and consult a yoga specialist.
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What is Naukasana? Learn the benefits & process of doing it

Posted 15 November, 2022

What is Naukasana? Learn the benefits & process of doing it

Naukasana derives from two Sanskrit words. The first is 'Nauka', which means boat, and the second, 'Asana', means posture or pose. Therefore, in Naukasana, the practice of this yogasana, the person's body comes into the posture of a boat. Hence, it is known as Naukasana or Boat Pose. This asana is a medium-grade yoga posture performed on the back, which has been practiced since ancient times.

Naukasana is considered one of the asanas that provide strength and concentration. Apart from this, the practice of Naukasana also has many health benefits. This asana has many health benefits, ranging from reducing belly fat to strengthening the spine and improving the functioning of the lungs. Therefore, Naukasana must be included in your daily routine.


Benefits of Naukasana

  • This asana strengthens the arms, thighs, and shoulders.
  • With its continuous practice, one gets rid of back and neck pain.
  • This yoga practice strengthens the abdominal muscles, hips, and spine and makes the body flexible.
  • This asana stimulates the kidneys, intestines, thyroid and prostate glands.
  • Regularly practicing this asana reduces physical fatigue, anxiety, and stress.
  • Naukasana also helps to burn fat, which helps in reducing weight.
  • Naukasana strengthens the digestive system. Along with this, it relieves many problems related to the digestive system, like constipation, gas, and acidity.

Method of doing Naukasana

  • Lay a yoga mat on a flat surface and lie down on it.
  • Place your hands next to your thigh and keep your body straight.
  • Now stay in a relaxed position and breathe normally.
  • After this, take both your hands backwards and place them on the ground a little behind your hips.
  • Now while breathing slowly, try to lift your head, legs, and whole body up to 45 degrees from the ground.
  • Note that during this, the spine should be absolutely straight.
  • Now bring your thighs and navel closer together, such that the body comes into a boat position.
  • After this, lift your ankles and bring them in line with your eyes.
  • During this, the body will appear in the shape of a boat or V.
  • Now breathing normally, stay in this posture for about 10 to 20 seconds.
  • As the next step, exhale slowly and come back to your original position.

Take these precautions while doing Naukasana

  • If someone has back pain or spinal disease, then they should avoid this practice.
  • Do not do this asana with the problem of hernia.
  • If a person has low blood pressure or any other heart related problem, then avoid this practice.
  • People suffering from asthma, severe headaches or migraines should avoid practicing this asana.
  • Women should not do this asana during pregnancy and menstruation.
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What is Padmasana? Know its Procedure and Benefits

Posted 10 November, 2022

What is Padmasana? Know its Procedure and Benefits

Padmasana is a sitting yoga practice which is derived from the Sanskrit words “Padma”, i.e., lotus flower, and “Asana”, meaning posture. During this asana, the person's body comes in the shape of a lotus. The lotus has a lot of religious importance in Indian culture. It is believed that sitting in Padmasana posture removes many physical and mental problems.

How to practice Padmasana

  • Sit on a mat or rug and spread your legs.
  • While breathing in, keep your waist and neck straight.
  • Breathe in and bend your right leg, placing the heel on the left thigh in such a way that the heel comes near the navel.
  • Similarly, lift the other leg and place it on the right thigh in such a way that both the heels meet near the navel.
  • Note that the knees of both feet should be V from the ground.
  • During this, keep your elbows straight.
  • Now sit in this posture for some time or as per your capacity.
  • Continue the process of inhaling and exhaling normally in this posture.

Benefits of doing Padmasana

  • By doing this asana, the flexibility of the knees and hips increases.
  • This asana provides strength by stretching the knees and ankles.
  • This asana provides peace to the mind.
  • It heals the digestive system.
  • With its continuous practice, memory power and the sense of thought increase.
  • This asana stimulates the stomach and bladder.
  • It helps remove physical fatigue and gets you better sleep.
  • This asana helps in relieving the discomfort during menstruation and sciatica.
  • Regularly sitting in this posture during pregnancy makes childbirth easier and reduces labor pain.
  • According to mythology, all kinds of diseases are cured by regularly practicing Padmasana. At the same time, it also awakens the Kundalini.

Take these precautions while doing Padmasana

  • Do Padmasana for the first time only under the supervision of a yoga expert.
  • People suffering from knee or ankle pain should not do it.
  • Pregnant women should practice Padmasana only under the supervision of a yoga expert.
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Know what is Paschimottanasana and its health benefits

Posted 10 November, 2022

Know what is Paschimottanasana and its health benefits

The word Paschimottanasana is derived from the Sanskrit words "Paschim" and "Uttan", where "Paschim" means the west or back side of the body and "Uttan" means stretch. Therefore, Paschimottanasana is a Namaskar pose done by connecting the hands not from the front, but from the back side. Perhaps that is why this asana is also known as Paschim Namaskar in colloquial language, and other names for this asana are Seated Forward Bend or Intense Dorsal Stretch pose. The continuous practice of this asana stretches the shoulders and the muscles around them, making the body flexible and disease free.

Steps of doing Paschimottanasana

  • Lay a yoga mat on the ground and stand on it.
  • Make sure that there is a little gap between both of your feet while standing.
  • Now leave your hands loose and keep them straight down.
  • Slightly bend your knees and move both your hands backwards.
  • Now take a long breath and bend the wrists of both your hands.
  • Make sure to keep the hands close to the spine, and the back should be straight.
  • Now join both your hands together and make a Namaskar posture.
  • Stay in this posture for 25 to 30 seconds or according to the capacity and close the eyes.
  • After that, open your eyes and slowly come to your normal posture.
  • Repeat this asana 4 to 5 times or as per your convenience.

Benefits of Paschimottanasana

  • Sitting in the same posture continuously, working in the office for a long time, bad posture, or sleeping leads to stiffness in the back. The Paschim Namaskar is extremely beneficial in this situation as it helps to stretch the muscles of the upper back, joints, and shoulders, thereby reducing back stiffness.
  • With the continuous practice of this asana, the extra fat from the shoulders, back, and arms is reduced, leading to toned muscles.
  • It also helps to relieve back pain.
  • Paschim Namaskar is extremely beneficial in reducing weight, as it increases metabolism.
  • This asana provides peace of mind by reducing stress.
  • Paschimottanasana is very beneficial for the spinal cord as it makes the spinal cord flexible.
  • This asana proves beneficial for people suffering from thyroid related problems.
  • Paschim Namaskar Yoga is beneficial for indigestion or other digestive system related problems.

Precautions for doing Paschimottanasana

  • Do not practice this asana if you have any kind of injury in your hands or shoulders.
  • People suffering from diarrhea or low blood pressure should avoid this practice.
  • Pregnant women should avoid practicing this asana.
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Learn about the procedure and benefits of doing Pawanmuktasana

Posted 09 November, 2022

Learn about the procedure and benefits of doing Pawanmuktasana

You must have heard, seen, and done many yoga asanas. One of these asanas is Pawanmuktasana, which removes problems related to digestion. This is a yoga practice that helps in expelling excess gas from the stomach. Apart from this, Pawanmuktasana also has several other health benefits. It is beneficial in curing intestinal problems, removing back pain, reducing fat and providing mental benefits, etc.

What is Pawanmuktasana?

Pawanmuktasana is made up of three Sanskrit words. The first is "Pawan", which means wind, the second is "Mukta,” which means to release; and the third is "Asana,” which means posture. Therefore, this asana is named after the work it does. It helps to remove excess air from the body, which improves the digestion process. Pawanmuktasana is also known as the wind relieving pose, wind liberating pose, or wind removing pose.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana

  • This asana strengthens the muscles of the lower back and provides flexibility to the spine.
  • Pawanmuktasana is effective in relieving abdominal gas and constipation.
  • Pawanmuktasana nourishes the pelvic muscles and reproductive organs, due to which it is beneficial for problems like impotence, infertility, and pain during menstruation.
  • It works to stretch and tone the back, which relieves the problem of back pain.
  • Its regular practice improves the functioning of the lungs.
  • It strengthens the digestive system and improves its functioning.
  • This asana plays an important role in reducing belly fat.
  • This yoga practice improves blood circulation in the body due to which the flow of blood to all parts of the body is smooth.

How to do Pawanmuktasana

  • Lay a mat on a flat surface and lie on your back.
  • Now while breathing slowly, bend both your legs from the knees and bring the thighs towards the chest.
  • Hold the fingers of both your hands together just below the knees.
  • After that, take a deep breath.
  • While exhaling, raise your head and shoulders upwards and try to bring your nose between the knees.
  • Stay in this position for some time and breathe normally.
  • Straighten the head, shoulders, and legs and come back to your original position.
  • Do this process at least 3 times.

Take these precautions while doing Pawanmuktasana

  • Do not do it if you have a high blood pressure problem.
  • Do not do Pawanmuktasana if there is injury or extreme pain in the lower back.
  • People suffering from sciatica and slipped discs should not practice it.
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What is Baddha Konasana? Know its Method and Health benefits

Posted 07 November, 2022

What is Baddha Konasana? Know its Method and Health benefits

Baddha Konasana is a yoga posture done while sitting. It is made up of two words. First is "Baddha", which literally means "tied", and second is "kona,” which means “corner." This asana is similar to the butterfly pose. But there is a big difference between these two asanas. In butterfly posture, both the legs have to be bent up and down, whereas in Baddha Konasana this is not the case. In this posture, balancing the body and keeping both feet close to the hips, one has to sit with the mind focused. Most of you must have seen shoe-knotting cobblers working in this posture. That is why this asana is also called Cobbler Pose. Many physical and mental problems are removed by regular practice of this asana.

Method of doing Baddha Konasana.

  • First of all, straighten the legs and sit on the yoga mat, or start with Dandasana posture.
  • After that, bend your knees and join both your feet together. Keep in mind that both the soles of the feet should touch each other.
  • Now bring your heels as close as possible to your stomach.

Version 1

  • Press the knees down with your hands so that they touch the ground.
  • Pay attention not to put more pressure on your knees than your physical capacity.
  • If the knee does not touch the ground in the beginning. Be patient in this position. With continuous practice, the knees will touch the ground. This increases the flexibility of the body.

Version 2

  • Do this version only when the knees touch the ground.
  • Now hold the feet with both your palms.
  • After that, bend forward from the hip joints.
  • Try to bend down until the head touches the ground. Don't force it, it may take a few weeks or months for this to happen.
  • Continue this practice for at least 30 or 60 seconds.
  • Come back to your original state.

Health benefits of Baddha Konasana

  • Regular yoga practice of Baddha Konasana has some amazing benefits for the body. Its benefits are as follows:
  • It works to improve blood circulation throughout the body.
  • This asana strengthens the spine, thighs, and hips.
  • Baddha konasana provides flexibility by creating a stretch in the knees, inner thighs, and spine.
  • This asana reduces stress and fatigue.
  • It improves the bladder, kidney, prostate gland, and abdominal organs.
  • It helps cure menstrual problems.
  • Asthma, infertility, and other incurable diseases are also cured by regularly practicing it.

Precautions while doing Baddha Konasana

  • Avoid this asana in case of severe pain or injury in the knees.
  • People with severe back pain or sciatica should avoid doing Baddha Konasana.
  • Avoid this yoga practice during menstruation.
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What is Balasana? Know its Amazing Benefits

Posted 07 November, 2022

What is Balasana? Know its Amazing Benefits

Balasana is a sitting yoga pose. It is derived from the Sanskrit word "bala", which literally means infant or child, while “asana” means posture. Hence, it is also known as Shishuasana, 'Child's Asana' or Child Pose. It is a relaxing pose that can be performed at any time. Especially after a headstand. It is an important asana that calms the body by removing fatigue and stress, due to which the person's body feels fresh and comfortable. This asana is also practiced to develop spiritual consciousness. Apart from being easy to do, this asana has many amazing benefits. Let us know about the right way and benefits of doing Balasana through this article.

How to do Balasana

  • First of all, spread a mat in an open area and sit in Vajrasana pose.
  • Now while inhaling deeply, raise both your hands directly above your head. Note that the palms of both hands should not touch each other.
  • Now while exhaling slowly, bend forward. Make sure that the bend is at the hip joints and not the waist joints.
  • After that, touch your head with the ground. Stay in this position for about 1-2 minutes.
  • Now you are in Balasana posture. During this, relax the whole body and take deep breaths in and out.
  • Let the hips remain adjacent to the feet in this position. Stretch the waist and hands forward according to your ability. Simultaneously, while breathing again, repeat this yoga.
  • In the beginning, do this asana 4 to 5 times.

Amazing benefits of doing Balasana

  • This asana strengthens the hips, knees, and ankles.
  • It helps to calm the brain by reducing stress and depression.
  • It gives relief from back and neck pain.
  • Daily practice of Balasana improves blood flow throughout the body.
  • It reduces the extra fat in the stomach.
  • Its daily practice brings freshness and energy to the body.
  • It develops physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual consciousness.

Take these precautions while doing Balasana

  • Do this yoga practice only after a headstand.
  • Do not put more pressure than your physical capacity during any kind of yoga practice.
  • Do not do it if you have any kind of injury or pain in your knees.
  • People suffering from diarrhea should avoid this asana.
  • Do not practice Balasana during pregnancy.






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Rules and Benefits of doing Ardha Matsyendrasana

Posted 05 November, 2022

Rules and Benefits of doing Ardha Matsyendrasana

The spinal cord is one of the most important organs of the body which is actively or passively responsible for the better functioning of the whole body. There are some exercises that are necessary to evenly circulate the energy in the body. One of these is Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga. This is one of the important yoga asanas which plays an important role in maintaining the health of the spine. Along with this, regularly practicing Ardha Matsyendrasana affects the overall health by activating the spinal cord.

What is Ardha Matsyendrasana?

According to mythology and yoga texts, this asana is named after the famous guru of the Navnath tradition, Rishi Matsyendra Nath because in this posture Yogi Matsyendrasana used to be engrossed in meditation and promoted this asana himself. This yoga asana is made up of four words i.e, “Ardha” means half, second is “Matsya” meaning fish, third being “Indra” which means God and last one is “Asana” meaning posture. During this yogasana, the body is folded from the waist. Hence , it is also called Vakrasana. Ardhamatsyendrasana is also known as Half Lord of The Fishes Pose.

Benefits of doing Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • This asana provides flexibility and strength to the spine. It also improves its functioning.
  • Back pain and stiffness are relieved by practicing this asana.
  • This pose reduces the stiffness of the shoulders, hips and neck.
  • It effectively circulates oxygen in the lungs.
  • It is a medical remedy for easing slip disc.
  • It improves the digestive system by massaging the abdominal organs due to which constipation, acidity, indigestion and other digestive problems are relieved.
  • Regular practice of Ardha Matsyendrasana improves the functioning of the pancreas. It is also very beneficial for diabetes patients.
  • It purifies the blood and enhances the immunity of the body.

Rules for doing Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • Begin by sitting in Dandasana posture by laying a mat on the floor.
  • Now keep both your hands straight on the ground. Simultaneously, while breathing inwards, keep your spine straight.
  • Bend your left leg in such a way that it touches the ground while going above the knees of the right leg.
  • Now bend your right leg and place it comfortably on the ground near the left buttock.
  • After this, bring your right hand on top of the left foot and hold the toe of the left foot.
  • Now while exhaling, bend the body as much as possible. Simultaneously, bend the neck in such a way that the eyes are focused towards the left shoulder.
  • Now keep the left hand on the ground and keep breathing in normal posture.
  • Remain in this posture for about 1 minute.
  • Come back to your original state and then repeat the same process in reverse order.

Take these precautions while doing Ardha Matsyendrasana-

  • This asana is very beneficial in mild slip discs but if there is a serious problem, avoid this asana.
  • Do not practice it if there is any kind of injury or serious problem in the spine.
  • People suffering from hernia or peptic ulcer should practice it very carefully.
  • If someone has ever had brain, stomach or heart-related surgery, then they should avoid this yoga asana.
  • Avoid its practice during pregnancy and menstruation.


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Ardha Chakrasana method, benefits and precautions

Posted 19 October, 2022

Ardha Chakrasana method, benefits and precautions

Ardha Chakrasana is one of the simple asanas mentioned in Yogashastra that is extremely beneficial for the body. It is made up of two Sanskrit words. The first is "ardha,” which, in a literal sense, means half, and the second, "chakra,” which means wheel. In this posture, the shape of the body becomes like half a wheel; therefore, it is known as Ardha Chakrasana or Half Wheel Pose. Along with stretching, this posture also provides flexibility in the waist. Apart from this, Ardha Chakrasana is very effective for diabetes, blood pressure, reducing excess belly fat, etc.

Process of doing Ardha Chakrasana

  • First of all, stand straight.
  • Now bend the elbows and support the lower part of the waist with both your hands.
  • After that, while taking a deep breath, tilt your head backwards. Bend until you feel a stretch in the neck muscles.
  • Breathe in and out slowly. Stay in this position for 10 to 20 seconds.
  • After that, while supporting your waist, straighten your spine.
  • Come to the original position while exhaling and relaxing.
  • In this way, one cycle of this yoga is completed.
  • Repeat this process at least 6 to 7 times.

Benefits of Ardha Chakrasana

  • It helps reduce excess belly fat.
  • This yoga exercise is very suitable for the waist. If a person is troubled by back pain, then continuous and regular practice of this yoga helps get rid of back pain.
  • It strengthens the back muscles and reduces the extra strain on the back.
  • Neck pain is relieved by doing this exercise.
  • The sugar present in the blood can be controlled by continuous practice of this asana. It works to activate the pancreas and maintain the right amount of insulin in the blood.
  • If you want to keep the spine or spinal cord healthy, then Ardha Chakrasana should be practiced continuously as it makes the spine flexible.
  • This asana is very effective for hip pain.
  • It prevents the body from bending forward unnaturally.
  • The practice of this asana provides relief from problems like slipped discs and sciatica.
  • It cures problems like sleeplessness, lethargy, and hypersensitivity.
  • This yoga is a kind of boon for those with a sitting job. If you work sitting in the office for long hours, then with regular practice of Ardha Chakrasana, you can avoid many problems related to the waist.

Take these precautions while doing Ardha Chakrasana

  • Practice Ardha Chakrasana on an empty stomach at brahmamuhurta or sunrise.
  • This asana can be practiced 5 to 6 hours after having a meal.
  • While doing this asana, do not move the head back with a jerk.
  • Avoid doing this asana in severe back pain.
  • In problems like sciatica and slip disc, practice this yoga under the care of a specialist.


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Procedure, Benefits and Precautions of doing Adho Mukha Svanasana

Posted 18 October, 2022

Procedure, Benefits and Precautions of doing Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana is very beneficial for children and the elderly. Its continuous practice strengthens the legs, arms and shoulders. Practicing this asana helps in regulating the flow of blood to the head and brain. Apart from this, Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga generates energy in the body and provides warmth to the body which helps relieve many types of physical and mental problems.

What is Adho Mukha Svanasana?


Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose, is one of the 12 postures of Surya Namaskar. This asana lies under the category of intermediate level yoga in which the shape of the body comes in an inverted "V" shape. This yoga asana is made up of four Sanskrit words. First “Adho” which means inclined downward or forward, second “Mukha” means mouth, third “Swan” means dog and “Asana” means posture. While practicing this asana, the shape of the person's body is formed in the same way as a dog bends forward.

Benefits of doing Adho Mukha Svanasana


  • This yoga practice strengthens the legs, arms and shoulders.
  • This asana is helpful in stretching the muscles of the back, hips, arms and shoulders.
  • This mudra relieves headache, insomnia and fatigue.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana improves the digestive system by stimulating the abdominal organs.
  • This asana energizes the body.
  • Continuous practice of Adho Mukha Svanasana reduces physical fatigue, anxiety and stress.
  • This asana is very beneficial for keeping the heart healthy and protecting it from heart-related diseases.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana is a therapeutic remedy for asthma, sinus, high blood pressure, flat feet and sciatica.

Procedure for doing Adho Mukha Svanasana


  • Lay a yoga mat on the floor or a flat place, come in the posture of marjariasana on it.
  • In this pose, you are on your knees. Both hands are placed on the ground keeping the back straight.
  • Now putting the weight on your hands, take the right foot ahead & the left foot back.
  • Simultaneously raise your hips up & make sure the heels stay low to the ground.
  • Now keep your arms straight. Simultaneously, keeping the back straight, take the chest as far as possible towards the ground.
  • In this state, a stretch will be felt on the chest and shoulders.
  • Now focus your eyes on your navel.
  • Inhale and exhale in this posture at least 5 times so that you can stay in this posture for about 1 minute.
  • Do this exercise according to your ability.

Take these precautions while doing Adho Mukha Asana-


  • Do not put too much pressure on your body while doing this asana.
  • Do not do Adho Mukha Svanasana beyond your capacity.
  • Do not practice this asana if there is any kind of injury or acute pain in the back.
  • People suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome should avoid doing Adho Mukha Svanasana.
  • Pregnant women should not practice Adho Mukha Svanasana.


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What is Hastapadasana? Know the right way, benefits and precautions of doing it

Posted 18 October, 2022

What is Hastapadasana? Know the right way, benefits and precautions of doing it

Hastapadasana is a posture in yoga science, also known as Intense Forward Bending Pose or Hand to Foot Pose. This mudra or asana provides a good stretch for the whole body. It also helps in increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain. This asana is one of the 12 asanas of Surya Namaskar Yoga. We will know the correct way, benefits, and precautions of doing this asana in detail through the sections of this blog.

What is Hastapadasana?

Hastapadasana is made up of three Sanskrit words hasta, pada, and asana. Hasta means hands, pada means feet, and asana means posture. Therefore, hastapadasana is a posture done using hands and feet. There are many benefits to the body from doing this asana. Along with healing our bodies, Hastapadasana infuses freshness, vigor, strength, and energy into the lives of those who practice it.

Method of doing Hastapadasana

  • Stand in a well ventilated place or open place(preferably a park) by laying a rug or mat. Note that both the feet are together.
  • Keep your hands along the body in such a way that the weight of the body is balanced equally on both feet.
  • Now move both your hands above your head without turning and slowly inhale and exhale.
  • While exhaling, bend the upper part of the body from the waist and move towards the feet. While doing this, keep the knees absolutely straight and, while bending the torso, hold the ankles with your hands.
  • After that, keep the mouth towards the knees, keep it in the space between the knees or close to the knees. Keep in mind that the legs and knees should be absolutely straight.
  • Stay in this position for at least 20 to 30 seconds and while inhaling again, slowly stand up by raising your hands forward.
  • Now exhale and come back to your normal position.
  • Then rest for 5-7 seconds and repeat this process.
  • Do this for at least 5 to 6 times.

Benefits of Hastapadasana

  • This asana stretches the back, hips, shoulders, and ankles due to which the body is flexible.
  • It cures back pain and increases muscle mass.
  • It helps relieve colic and other digestive problems.
  • It improves blood circulation in all parts of the body.
  • By doing this mudra, the mind remains calm.
  • It activates the kidneys and liver.
  • It also strengthens the thighs and knees.
  • It helps reduce the blemishes under the eyes.
  • This asana removes laziness.
  • By doing this regularly, the belly fat is reduced.
  • This helps enhance the glow and beauty of the face.

Take these precautions while doing Hastapadasana

  • Hastapadasana yoga should be done regularly.
  • Practice this asana comfortably in a well ventilated or open area.
  • Beginners should practice hastapadasana only under the guidance of a yoga teacher.
  • While practicing yoga, breathing should be done slowly and comfortably.
  • This mudra should not be done by a person with a back injury.
  • People suffering from hamstring strain, sciatica, glaucoma or cataract should avoid doing this asana.
  • Patients with low or high blood pressure should not do this asana.
  • Women should avoid this practice during menstruation.


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What is Halasana? Know the Process and Benefits of doing it

Posted 13 October, 2022

What is Halasana? Know the Process and Benefits of doing it

The name Halasan is derived from the agricultural machine plow, which is used for plowing the land. During the practice of this asana, the shape of the body looks like a plow, which is why it is called Halasana, or the Plow Pose. It is believed that just as the plow prepares the field for sowing seeds, so too does Halasana prepare the body and mind for rejuvenation. Regular use of this yoga practice has many health benefits. From reducing obesity, this asana proves to be very effective for diabetes, thyroid etc.

Benefits of Halasana

  • This asana provides flexibility for the shoulders and spine.
  • It reduces the problem of back pain.
  • This asana is effective for diseases like headaches, insomnia, sinusitis, etc.
  • It works to stimulate the abdominal organs and thyroid glands.
  • This yoga practice reduces physical and mental fatigue and stress.
  • Continuous practice of Halasana is good for diabetes patients.
  • Its regular practice keeps the digestive system healthy.
  • This asana helps in reducing obesity.

Method of doing Halasana

  • Choose a flat place in an open area.
  • Now lie down on your back by laying a mat or carpet on it.
  • After this, keep your hands beside your body by the side of your back. During this, the direction of the palms should be towards the ground.
  • Now while breathing slowly, raise your legs up to 90 degrees. If you feel any kind of discomfort during this, then support the waist with your hands.
  • Now while exhaling, move the legs completely backwards while focusing your eyes on the nose.
  • Then try to touch the ground with your toes.
  • Now remove your hands from your waist and keep them straight on the ground.
  • Stay in this posture as much as possible and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • After that, while breathing slowly, come back to your original position.
  • Do this process 3-4 times or as per your capacity.

Take these precautions while doing Halasana

  • In the initial phase, practice Halasana only under the supervision of a yoga expert.
  • Do not practice halasana if there is any kind of injury to the neck.
  • Avoid its practice during diarrhea.
  • People with high blood pressure and asthma should practice it under the supervision of a yoga specialist.
  • Women should avoid the practice of halasana during pregnancy and menstruation.
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