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Health Benefits and Side Effects of Rosemary

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Rosemary

2022-07-05 00:00:00

Rosemary is a fragrant woody herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. Its scientific name is Rosmarinus officinalis and belongs to the mint family i.e, the Lamiaceae family along with other herbs such as thyme, oregano, lavender, and basil. It has fine needle-like leaves with a silver finish and pink, white, purple, or blue flowers.

Rosemary has a warm, bitter, and astringent taste. Unlike many other herbs, which lose their potency when dried, rosemary retains its flavor even when dried. It adds great taste and aroma to soups, sauces, stews, and fried chicken.

Nutritional Values of Rosemary

Rosemary has very high values of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, and folic acid. It contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and iron. Antioxidants in the form of phenolic compounds such as diterpene, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid are also present in it.

Health Benefits of Rosemary

  • Relieves stress:The aroma of rosemary helps in improving mood, refreshes the mind, and relieves stress if you suffer from chronic anxiety or a stress hormone imbalance.
  • Acts as a Mouth freshener:Rosemary is often used as a mouth freshener due to its antibacterial properties.
  • Reduces inflammation:Carnosol and carnosic acid are two powerful antioxidants, which help in neutralizing harmful particles like free radicals and anti-inflammatory compounds found in rosemary that help reduce inflammation in muscles, joints, and blood vessels.
  • Relieves migraine:Rosemary has analgesic properties which effectively provide relief from pain in hard-to-reach areas. So it is often used in headache, sickness-related ailments, and migraine. Simply applying rosemary oil to your temples and even inhaling its aroma can help relieve migraine.
  • Skin effective:This vaccine is given in two doses to infants aged 2 months and 4 months.
  • Useful in stomach disorders:Rosemary is useful for upset stomach, gastritis, constipation, and diarrhea. This is due to its anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects. Adding it to your weekly diet can quickly help regulate bowel movements and the gastrointestinal system.
  • Promotes weight loss:Rosemary herbal extract has potential anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperglycemic properties that can promote weight loss. Also, the carnosic acid present in rosemary has anti-obesity properties that aid in weight loss.
  • Neurological protection:Rosemary contains carnosic acid, which prevents free radicals and prevents brain damage. Some studies show that rosemary might be useful for people who have experienced a stroke and it might improve the recovery process.

Uses of Rosemary

Rosemary is commonly used in various applications such as:

  • Rosemary is best added to foods as a cooking spice, although drinking a gentle rosemary leaf tea can also help fight disease.
  • A strong infusion of rosemary and nettle leaves is an excellent herbal hair conditioner and can help get rid of dandruff and promote hair growth if used after every wash.
  • Rosemary infused oil is an intensive treatment for severe dandruff issues causing hair loss. Apply this to your hair, leave on for at least an hour, and then wash it off.
  • Rosemary acts as a natural air freshener, placing a small handful of rosemary leaves, 1 lemon or orange slice, and a drop of vanilla in a saucepan and simmer over low heat throughout the day (watch the water level). It smells great and leaves a fresh aroma in the house for several days.
  • Rosemary provides protection against mosquitoes.
  • Rosemary extract is a very powerful natural preservative that can extend the shelf life of homemade lotions, cosmetics, or other homemade body products.

Side effects of using Rosemary

Undiluted rosemary oil is not safe to take orally. Taking large amounts of rosemary can cause vomiting, kidney irritation, uterine bleeding, seizures, sensitivity to sunlight, and skin redness. Rosemary, taken in a very large amount can also cause allergic reactions.

Where is it found?

Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region (southern Europe, Asia, and North Africa). It is grown in China, Algeria, The Middle East, Russia, Romania, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, and to a limited extent in India.


The informative content furnished in the blog section is not intended and should never be considered a substitution for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the remedies listed will treat the medical condition or act as an alternative to professional health care advice. We do not recommend using the remedies listed in these blogs as second opinions or specific treatments. If a person has any concerns related to their health, they should consult with their health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment immediately. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
